Jan 06

Date published: 1-6-2014

Rails version: 4.0.0

Custom interface

One of my previous tutorials showed how to install and use CKEditor to give all textareas a graphical user interface. We only scratched the surface of what it’s possible to do with CKEditor, so I’m going to return to the subject and show how to customize the user interface. Continue reading »

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Oct 14

Date published: 10-14-2013

Rails version: 4.0.0

Installing a natural text editor

In the tutorial from last week, we created an application that let the user write messages on a graffiti wall. We only let the user write a basic message, so what happens if we add some HTML to the message when we write it? Start the Rails server and give it a try, and you’ll notice that any HTML tags you write in the message won’t be interpreted but will be printed exactly as you wrote them on the wall. We’d like to modify our program so that the user can add things like bolding or changing the background color. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to add a text editor called CKEditor to your Rails application. Continue reading »

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