Feb 17

Date published: 2-17-2014

Rails version: 4.0.0


One common element used by web sites is the tag. Blogs make extensive use of them, and on this blog you can find the list of tags associated with each post and a tag cloud in the toolbar on the right to see a list of all tags and how often they are used. In this tutorial, we’re going to look at a popular gem for adding tags to a model. Continue reading »

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Feb 03

Date published: 2-3-2014

Rails version: 4.0.0


In my last tutorial I demonstrated how to setup tests for a model using the testing framework included with Rails. In this tutorial, I want to try out a different testing framework called RSpec to see how it compares to what we did before. RSpec is one of the most popular ways to test Rails apps, so if you work with Rails, you’re bound to run into projects that use it for testing. Continue reading »

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preload preload preload